The first round of Jeopardy began with these categories: HELPERS, PEAKS & VALLEYS, I GOT SKILLS, and THE WRITTEN WORD. All of the students quickly realized in the first round that they would be forced to interpret Dr. Bolt's mix of hilariousness/seriousness/and intelligent wit to decipher the question and come up with the correct the form of a question, of course.
Once the first round of Jeopardy was completed, the racers were informed that their first physical challenge would replicate our time in Colorado. The racers were asked to run a "dog-sled" course which meant one partner pulling the other on a sled in the 10 degree temperature through a course outside of the field-house, reach a certain number of points throwing darts in order to simulate archery, shoot a nerf gun 20 times through a small opening to simulate 1 part of the pentathlon, and also slide their feet(on furniture pads) through a course up and down a carpeted, downhill hallway outside of Amber's office.
The second round of Jeopardy included these categories: OCEANS, WHO SAID THAT, NEED FOR SPEED, and VANTASTIC.
For the second physical challenge phase, the students were told that they would be simulating our time in Phoenix, AZ. They were challenged with a rather lengthy Phoenix-style race around campus, a sky-diving challenge, and a Bondurant style challenge. When we visited the Bob Bondurant school of high performance driving, the students were timed while driving a brand new Chevrolet Camaro around a track lined with cones. In Phoenix, they were able to do this rather quickly.....on campus, not so much.
Round 3 of Jeopardy included these categories: OH MY STARS, OLYMPIC SPIRIT, CITY SLICKERS, LEAD, FOLLOW, OR GET OUT OF THE WAY.
In order to simulate our time in California we set up a "surfing" station, a "stand up paddle-board" station and a "hidden staircases of L.A." race. To surf, the racers had to balance for 10 seconds, 1 partner standing on 1 foot on an upside-down bosu ball and 1 partner balancing an aerobic step on a 15 pound medicine ball. Once they completed their 10 seconds on each, they were able to move on to the "paddleboards" which were really just a small scooter powered by a single crutch. Then, to complete the "hidden staircases" challenge, each team had to find these 5 locations on Calvin's campus, retrieve a small item from each location, and bring the 5 items back to the start.
Finally, when the California race was completed, all 5 teams were sent back to the Jeopardy tables for FINAL JEOPARDY. The task was to list all 12 teams in the order that they finished along with the names of each individual on the team. The 5 teams competing were able to wager any amount that they had banked in the previous 3 rounds of jeopardy and the previous 3 physical races.
Dan & Lauren Turner of Team Graphite prevailed to win the 2nd Calvin College Amazing Race! Congratulations Turners!
Wow!,!! We are so proud of you! You were an amazing brother sister team! Hugs to you both!