Thursday, January 10, 2013

Kayak Race

Hey Everyone, team Kelly Green here.

The second race of the day was a timed kayak race.  We were with our partners on tandem kayaks and had to navigate around Huntington Harbor, which seemed more like a maze.  We were given two minutes initially to figure out the map and directions and from there had to stop at all four spots given in the directions.  This race turned out to be a challenge for all teams.  It was physically demanding, since we had to kayak for about an hour or so, and many of the teams struggled with their partners.  Being one of the first to make it back, you could just hear the frustration with the different groups.  This race really took a toll on many.  Our team, Kelly Green, was able to do well which we attributed to being calm and thinking things through.   We even had a pump up interview from Dr. Bolt, where we knew coming in, after a poor performance in the surf competition, we needed to place well in the kayak competition, and we followed through. This race showed us that we can come through on a tough challenge and no matter what we have to do, the best thing is to try to be calm, make sure you understand the directions, and try to have fun with it.  We feel like we have what it takes to conquer whatever lies in store for us.

-Kelly Green(Drew & Greg)

Kayak Scores:
1. Kelly Green
2.  Pink
3. Purple
4. Red
5. Columbia Blue
6. Orange
7. Graphite
8. Royal
9. Navy
10. Vegas Gold
11. Forest Green
12. Gold


  1. Can't soccer boys use their arms? Come on VEGAS GOLD! Kayak lessons are on the horizon...


  2. Kelly Green, coming through in the clutch moments!
